Andrew Daly
Manager, Consulting
Analysys Mason
Consulting and research specialists in telecoms, media and technology
PLCWW has the operational and technical knowledge to support our economic analysis. They help inform us of the likely operational consequences of our recommendations.

Nigel Bennett
Director of Core Services
Government Car & Despatch Agency
PLCWW examined the efficiency of the Government Mail operation in 2008 and helped us identify savings of 12% in our direct Operational costs. They also coached us in the use of project management techniques based on the PRINCE model.
PLCWW also helped us in examining a number of strategic issues for our business including the design of a more robust costing model for future pricing and providing valuable input into our Sales and Customer Management and Management Information Systems.
The recommendations are currently being implemented and a number of benefits have already been achieved. We were impressed by the quality of the work produced with the whole assignment being delivered to budget and to timescale.

Phil Burns
Frontier Economics
PLCWW has undertaken a number of consultancy assignments for Guernsey Post since 2003. A number of these assisted in improving our quality of service both within the Bailiwick and to and from the UK. In addition, PLCWW also helped with a customer retention strategy in the face of significant price increases and provided valuable assistance in a number of efficiency studies relating to the Christmas operation and automation.
The most significant assistance was in the provision of quality interim managers. In 2006 the company sourced an interim Chief Executive who worked for 7 months in a difficult period for GPL in submitting a successful three year tariff application, negotiating a new three year contract with Royal Mail and facing up to an Efficiency Review imposed by the postal regulator. The company also turned a previous year’s loss into a profit whilst achieving record quality of service. In 2007 PLCWW provided an interim Employee Relations Manager (ERM) for 6 months who achieved a significant improvement in employee relations, negotiating several new policies with the trade unions, including a cutting edge redundancy agreement and supporting the operational director in achieving a major overhaul of operations. The interim ERM has subsequently been appointed as HR Director of GPL.

Dudley Jehan
Guernsey Post Limited
PLCWW examined the efficiency of the Government Mail operation in 2008 and helped us identify savings of 12% in our direct Operational costs. They also coached us in the use of project management techniques based on the PRINCE model.
PLCWW also helped us in examining a number of strategic issues for our business including the design of a more robust costing model for future pricing and providing valuable input into our Sales and Customer Management and Management Information Systems.
The recommendations are currently being implemented and a number of benefits have already been achieved. We were impressed by the quality of the work produced with the whole assignment being delivered to budget and to timescale.

Andrew Daly
Manager, Consulting
Analysys Mason
We asked PLCWW to design and deliver a training course for all our employees to give them a very good understanding of how Royal Mail’s operation works in the UK.
From start to finish, the course took four weeks to design and deliver to all our staff. It met our expectations in terms of content and style of delivery and in fact had been put together to a high standard. Feedback from trainees was excellent and the material used now sits on our intranet for continuous reference.

Kathryn Delderfield
Operations Director
Youth for Christ
Postal and Logistics Consulting Worldwide provided us with an extremely helpful analysis of our postage needs, and designed practical and cost effective solutions to help us cut our postage costs and improve our efficiency. It proved to be a worthwhile consultation.